Adding Users

Adding users, role and functions
Written by Jeff Carrier
Updated 2 years ago

Adding a new user is as simple as clicking the + sign and filling out the form. Users can ONLY be added by Plan Owners and Plan Administrators.

User Roles:

  • Plan Admin - Can add/edit users and data in the plan.
  • Plan Editor - Can only add/edit the data in the plan. Nothing to do with users.
  • Plan Viewer - Can only see the data in the plan, can not edit/delete any data.

Fill out form after clicking + to add new user.

Assign a customer user to themselves. This prevents the user from seeing any other ERP accounts you have besides their own information.

If a client want's a user to only view information for specific buildings, you can choose which those buildings are after assigning them to a specific company. You can add/edit this before or after a user is created.

In the top right you can click on the drop down to edit your profile and password if needed.

You and your client don't need to every worry about forgetting your password. Simply click the "lost your password" at the login screen to go through the password retrieval process.

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